Editor: The BlueJ environment was developed as part of a university research project about teaching object-orientation to beginners. The system is being developed and maintained by a joint research group at La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia, and the University of Kent in Canterbury, UK. The project is supported by Sun Microsystems.
The aim of BlueJ is to provide an easy-to-use teaching environment for the Java language that facilitates the teaching of Java to first year students. Special emphasis has been placed on visualisation and interaction techniques to Create a highly interactive environment that encourages experimentation and exploration.
Change History
Version 3.0.3
Includes a Slovak translation, and enables assertions by Default. Adds an editor function to add a javadoc comment to the current method.
Bug fixes:
* Fixed: Inheritance arrow not drawn Between clasess that aren't in the default package
* Fixed: Some expressions generate "not a statement" error in the codepad
* Fixed: Extensions preferences do not show the preferences for the last extension
* Fixed: Superclass changes during editing are not reflected in code completion
* Fixed: Code completion on arrays does not show clone() method
* Fixed: Protected methods of other classes can show up in code completion even if they can't be called
* Fixed: Code completion shows "access$000" method when used immediately after compilation
* Fixed: Code completion fails on arrays of primitive types
* Fixed: Protected methods from grandparent do not shown in code completion
* Fixed: NullPointerException when adding/removing dependency arrows, when editor is in documentation view
* Fixed: "Rebuild package" can crash with ConcurrentModificationException if class name changed
* Fixed: It should not be allowed to draw inheritance arrows to/from Enums
* Fixed: Code completion throws UnsupportedOperationException in some cases